The offer
Independent Telecommunications Consulting Sp. z o.o., having a firm position on the market of consulting services in the teleinformatics sector, offers its knowledge and experience for the following domains and projects:
- feasibility study of implementing advanced ICT services, VOIP telephony in particular,
- preparatory analyses for public tenders, in particular substantial analysis and preparation of ToR document in the field of teleinformatics services,
- drawing up a report and the analysis of the current teleinformatics market, in particular drawing up of the Business Case Studies with division into business markets of SME, CMA segment,
- analysis of the teleinformatics situation and guidelines for further steps of multi-department companies, in particular financial analysis of implementation projects for teleinformatics systems,
- acting as an expert in the field of teleinformatics and financial analyses in tender procedures and bidding contests organized by entities subject to the Public Procurement Act,
- preparation and execution of a bidding contest for private entities, basing on an order for teleinformatics services in the course of bidding procedure, in particular as a representation,
- current analyses of correctness of executing obligations by entities providing teleinformatics services,
Each time the project is consulted by a consultant assigned to the customer and it is individually valuated basing on the number of man-hours spent on the project and on the number of people employed and assigned to the project from the Independent Telecommunications Consulting Sp. z o.o. side.
In cases of projects and budgets whose main goal is to optimize the costs incurred in connection with teleinformatics infrastructure and in case of lack of budgeting in the given calendar year the sums for consulting service, the remuneration system based on a success agreement.
We are ready to discuss all the details with you during a meeting, where we will present the company in detail and will show you the methodology of work of the ITC consultants.